Welcome to the Koganecho Chronicle, an interactive map archiving the uniq-
ue stories of the Koganecho neighbo-
rhood through creative research.
Local knowledge About
Local Perspective About
Personal History About
Stamp Workshop Taigado [Local Knowledge] Stamp Workshop Taigado [Local Knowledge] Barbar Shop Shibagaki [Local Knowledge] Barbar Shop Shibagaki [Local Knowledge] Taniguchi Shop [Local Knowledge] Taniguchi Shop [Local Knowledge] Bonitoflake Shop Nagano [Local Knowledge] Bonitoflake Shop Nagano [Local Knowledge] Scary Point [Local Perspective] Scary Point [Local Perspective] Hosoi Must-see [Local Perspective] Shibagaki Must-see Spot [Local Perspective] My Special Place [Local Perspective] koyoSpecial Must-see Spot [Local Perspective] koyoSpecial Must-see Spot [Local Perspective] koyoSpecial Must-see Spot [Local Perspective] koyoSpecial Must-see Spot [Local Perspective] Mr. Yasutoshi [Local Perspective] Mr. Yasutoshi Must-see Spot [Local Perspective] My Special Place -Mr. Mitsuo Itogawa- My Special Place -Mr. Mitsuo Itogawa-